Daemon Hunters: Hymn for the Dead (2002)

Akuma Kari: Jakumetsu no Seishouka-hen / 悪魔狩り-寂滅の聖頌歌篇-


  • Manga: Daemon Hunters: Hymn for the Dead
    © 2002 Seiuchirou Todono, Mag Garden Corporation
    • Giapponese Akuma Kari: Jakumetsu no Seishouka-hen
      Akuma Kari: Jakumetsu no Seishōka-hen
      Tipo: Manga
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 10.09.2002 ‑ 10.04.2005
      Volumi / Capitoli: 7 / ?
      Mangaka: Seiuchirou TODONO Autore & Illustratore
      Adattato da: Lavoro originale
    • Inglese Daemon Hunters: Hymn for the Dead
      Stato: Abbandonato
      Pubblicato: 26.10.2004
      Volumi / Capitoli: 1 / ?
      Publisher: ADV Manga
    • Francese Daemon Slayers
      Stato: Abbandonato
      Pubblicato: 06.06.2007 ‑ 23.10.2007
      Volumi / Capitoli: 3 / ?
      Publisher: Kabuto
    • Sinonimi: Akuma Gari: Jakumetsu no Seishi Shouka Hen, Akuma Gari: Jakumetsu no Seishoukahen, Akuma Kari: Jakumetsu no Seishi Shouka Hen, Akuma-Gari: Jakumetsu no Seishoukahen


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In a land that knows only the light of the eternally shining moon, daemons rule—and their power seems unstoppable! Yet hope exists within the people of the countryside, as a group of specially trained individuals—the Daemon Hunters—fight to retake what is rightfully theirs. One of these hunters, Sartre Largness, rescues an orphaned boy who he names Michael. Michael receives training, and along with a fellow named Luka and a doctor named Maggie, they must travel to Naberius before it is closed off from the rest of the world. When the Great Oaks Minister calls and the peace and harmony of the land are at stake, Sartre, Michael, and the others must answer the call—it is their duty to eliminate the Daemons. But how will they fare when they run into another hunter along their journey?
Texte du rabat :
Il y a longtemps, un dénommé Lucifer a annoncé la venue d’un être qui serait doté d’une puissance divine et son nom serait... Mickaël. Bien des années plus tard, un daemon slayer connu sous le nom de Mickaël Lajiness devient la cible d’une assemblée de serviteurs des démons, le concile de l’hexagone.
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