Angel Beats! Heaven‘s Door (2010)


  • Manga: Angel Beats! Heaven‘s Door
    • Giapponese Angel Beats! Heaven‘s Door
      Tipo: Manga
      Stato: Completato
      Pubblicato: 30.03.2010 ‑ 28.10.2016
      Volumi / Capitoli: 11 / 77
      Mangaka: Jun MAEDA Autore Yuriko ASAMI Illustratore
      Adattato da: Anime
    • Inglese Angel Beats! Heaven‘s Door
      Stato: Abbandonato
      Pubblicato: 09.02.2016 ‑ ?
      Volumi / Capitoli: 1 / 6


Un breve riassunto della trama del Manga «Angel Beats! Heaven‘s Door» aiuterebbe molti fan di anime e manga a decidere se vogliono guardare questo show o no. Sai cosa significa «Angel Beats! Heaven‘s Door»? Allora sentiti libero di aggiungere una descrizione al nostro database usando il nostro modulo d’inserimento. Non vediamo l’ora di ricevere i tuoi contributi!
Hideki Hinata has just died... but his life is far from over. Finding himself stuck in a kind of purgatory in the Afterlife School—an academy for recently departed lost souls—he begins to learn that the land of the dead has just as many annoying rules, if not more, than the land of the living.

There he meets Yuri Nakamura, a brazen young woman who harbours nothing but contempt for God due to the life she was forced to lead before passing away. Together, Yuri and Hideki form the SSS brigade, otherwise known as the Afterlife Battlefront—a group whose purpose it is to rebel against God in any way they can. However, standing in their way is the stoic and cold Tenshi, a supposed angelic messenger of God... who just so happens to be the Student Council President!

Can Yuri and the rest of the Afterlife Battlefront overcome their fate or are they destined to be stuck in a limbo world forever?!
In einer jenseitigen Welt, in die Teenager mit einem nicht erfüllten Leben kommen, überwacht das überirdisches Wesen Tenshi die Ordnung der dort angesiedelten Schule. Eine Gruppe solcher unglücklich verstorbener Jugendlicher beschließt gegen den Gott, der ihnen ein glückliches Leben verwehrte, zu rebellieren. Mit Yuri an der Spitze formiert sich die Shinda Sekai Sensen, um Gottes Aufseherin Tenshi zu Fall zu bringen. Ein aussichtsloser Kampf, so scheint es, denn der Tod ist im Jenseits ohne Bedeutung...

Dieser Manga erzählt als Vorgeschichte zum Anime Angel Beats! vom Tod der verschiedenen Protagonisten sowie der Formierung und den ersten Kämpfen der SSS im Jenseits.
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    When we were still in the world of living, death was something that came indiscriminately and randomly. So, there was no way to fight it.


    If I lost my memories…and got a different personality…I might be able to. But then, what does it mean to be reborn? That isn’t the life I had anymore. It’s someone else’s life. Everyone only gets to live life one time [Yuri places her hand on her chest.], and it’s right here. I only get it once. This is my life. I can’t entrust it to someone, I can’t steal a new one, I can’t force it on others, I can’t forget it or erase it. I can’t stomp over it, laugh on it, or beautify it! I can’t anything! I’d have to-I’d have to accept my one shot at life no matter how cruel, merciless, or unfair I thought it was! Sir, don’t you understand? That is why I must fight. I must keep on fighting! Because…because I can never…[Slams her hands on her desk.] accept that kind of life!

  • Yuzuru OTONASHI

    Even if we forget the faces of our friends, We will never forget the bonds that were carved into our souls.




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