A Livid Lady’s Guide to Getting Even: How I Crushed My Homeland with My Mighty Grimoires (2022)

Buchikire Reijou wa Houfuku o Chikaimashita. Madousho no Chikara de Sokoku o Tatakitsubushimasu / ブチ切れ令嬢は報復を誓いました。 ~魔導書の力で祖国を叩き潰します~


  • Manga: A Livid Lady’s Guide to Getting Even: How I Crushed My Homeland with My Mighty Grimoires
    © 2022 Imo Oono, HobbyJAPAN CO., Ltd.
    • Giapponese Buchikire Reijou wa Houfuku o Chikaimashita. Madousho no Chikara de Sokoku o Tatakitsubushimasu
      Buchikire Reijō wa Hōfuku o Chikaimashita. Madōsho no Chikara de Sokoku o Tatakitsubushimasu
      ブチ切れ令嬢は報復を誓いました。 ~魔導書の力で祖国を叩き潰します~
      Tipo: Manga
      Stato: In corso
      Pubblicato: 19.05.2022 ‑ ?
      Volumi / Capitoli: 2+ / ?
      Mangaka: Imo OONO Illustratore Metabo HAGURE Creatore originale
      Adattato da: Light Novel
      Sito web: firecross.jp
    • Inglese A Livid Lady’s Guide to Getting Even: How I Crushed My Homeland with My Mighty Grimoires
      Stato: In corso
      Pubblicato: 17.11.2023 ‑ ?
      Volumi / Capitoli: 1+ / ?
      Publisher: J-Novel Club LLC
    • Sinonimi: Buchikire Reijou wa Houfuku wo Chikaimashita. Madousho no Chikara de Sokoku wo Tatakitsubushimasu


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Elizabeth Leiston, the daughter of Haldoria’s powerful prime minister, is the picture of a refined noble lady and the perfect future queen. But when her fiancé publicly humiliates her, calls off their engagement, and starts spreading nasty rumors about her, Elizabeth reaches her breaking point. Why should her only friend be her loyal maid, and why should she continue to serve a country that doesn’t respect her? Elizabeth concludes she won’t stand it any longer and will bring down the kingdom, even if it’s the last thing she does! As such, she uses her quick wit and, more importantly, her seven magic grimoires to embark on a quest for revenge. And let her tell you, there will be hell to pay!
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