Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo (2016)

Yeokdoyojeong Kim Bok-Ju / 역도요정 김복주

Inglese Reviews – Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo

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Avatar: xNeliel
  • Story
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  • Rewatch Value
The story around Kim Bok Joo and Jung Joon Hyeong is one of the more heartwarming romance stories in the kdrama-Universe. It's very enjoyable and fun to watch it develop and even though there definitely are conflicts, especially early on, you never really feel annoyed by anything like you do in most other romance shows. There's always this one antagonist character that you really hate and who develops into someone likeable throughout the show, who actually didn't mean any harm as you suspected early on. That type of cliche character is very common in romances and used often. Not in WFKBJ though, they just build all their story on this happy, heartwarming ground they got going on with super loveable characters and actors/actresses behind it.

There's not much more to say. If you like heartwarming and feel-good romances and also like the premise of sports stuff happening as a "side dish", then Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo - or in short WFKBJ - is definitely for you. I don't know if there's that much of a rewatch potential in romance shows, so I kinda rated that a bit low. The music was fine but not overwhelmingly good.
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