Ping Pong Manga to be Adapted as a TV Series

Notizie dall’Estremo Oriente su film e serie animate.

Ping Pong Manga to be Adapted as a TV Series

inviato su da Sephi-
It was announced that Taiyou Matsumoto's manga Ping Pong is to be adapted as an anime by director Masaaki Yuasa (Mind Game, The Tatami Galaxy).

The manga was published from 1996 to 1997 in the Big Comic Spirits magazine and was completed within 5 compiled volumes. 2002 the manga was already adapted as a live-action movie and the newly announced anime is supposed to start airing in April on Fuji TV.

Ping PongTsukimoto and Hoshino, two childhood friends, have been playing ping pong since their time in elementary school. Tsukimoto, the glasses-wearing, emotionless kinda guy, who's called "the Robot", only plays to kill some time. Hoshino, the passionate and charismatic "hero", who's admired by Tsukimoto, plays because he loves ping pong and hates nothing more than to lose.

How will the cold and gruesome world of sports welcome these two very different players? And what about their fated meeting as rivals?

Source: Comic Natalie
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