Anime Adaption For Akame ga KILL! Announced

Notizie dall’Estremo Oriente su film e serie animate.

Anime Adaption For Akame ga KILL! Announced

inviato su da Sephi-
Square Enix' february issue of their Gangan Joker magazine announced an anime adaption for Takahiro Arai's manga Akame ga KILL!.

The ninth compiled volume of the manga will be released on January 22nd in Japan. In October of last year Takahiro has launched a prequel to the manga called Akame ga KILL! Zero, which is being published in Square Enix' Gangan Joker magazine as well.

Akame ga KILL!Akame was bought and brainwashed at a very young age and thus turned into an Empire assassin. One day Akame, who knows of nothing but of how to kill meets a boy named Tatsumi. His life is turned upside down by their meeting and he is forced to make a decision – he vows to stand up against the malevolence of the Empire!

Source: ANN
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