Second Season for the Free! Anime Announced

Notizie dall’Estremo Oriente su film e serie animate.

Second Season for the Free! Anime Announced

inviato su da Sephi-
According to a poster shown at the Free!-Special Talk Event, a second season for the anime will be coming in summer.

Free!'s first season started being aired in summer 2013 and was animated by Kyoto Animation. At the end of season one's last episode it was already announced that "we'll be seeing each other next summer", which hinted at another season.

Free! Iwatobi Swim Club:The story revolving around Haruka Nanase – a boy to whom nothing is dearer than swimming, diving, and water – tells of him and his Swim Club collegues Makoto Tachibana, Nagisa Hazuki and Rin Matsuoka. They founded a Swim Club before arriving at the end of their elementary school time to participate in a tournament and after winning it, they went about their separate ways.
Some time has passed and their high school days are going by rather unspectacularly, when suddenly Rin reappears to challange Haruka to a swim duel, where he completely overpowers Haruka. To get back at Rin, Haruka founds a new Swim Club with his old buddies Makoto and Nagisa, and the new member, Rei Ryugazaki.

Source: ANN
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