New Anime Movie Bakemono no Ko from Mamoru Hosoda

Notizie dall’Estremo Oriente su film e serie animate.

New Anime Movie Bakemono no Ko from Mamoru Hosoda

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Mamoru Hosoda the director of Toki o Kakeru Shoujo ( The Girl Who Leapt Through Time) and Summer Wars, is going to release his first Anime Movie after three year on hideous. His latest film will be titled Bakemon no Ko (The Boy and the Beast) and will be produced by Studio Chizu, which produced Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki (Wolf Children) as their first project.

Not much is currently known about the story. On the press conference in Tokyo, Mamoru Hosada told that the movie is about a boy who was seperated from his parents and becomes a disciple of the bakemono (supernatural creature) Kumatetsu, which he meet as he get lost in the bakemono world. The story will have some traditional and novel elements. The Scenario will 'place in the Shibuya District in Tokyo and in the World of the Bakemono.

An official Homepage, which is provided by TOHO, was going online, and unveiled the first trailer.

The major French movie studio Gaumont will be responsible for international sale outside of Asia.

Source: ANN, ANN ,
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