Movie: First Trailer to Kite's Live-Action Movie

Notizie dall’Estremo Oriente su film e serie.

Movie: First Trailer to Kite's Live-Action Movie

inviato su da Sephi-
A nine-minute promotional video for the movie adaption of the two Kite OVAs has been released on Friday.

Regisseur Ralph Ziman's (Gangster's Paradise: Jerusalema) movie is announced for this year. The cast is – among many others – made up of India Eisley (Underworld: Awakening) as Sawa, Callan McAuliffe (The Great Gatsby) as Oburi, and Samuel L. Jackson (Oldboy) as Karl Aker.

BlurbSawa may seem innocent and naïve, but don't be fooled. She's a cold-blooded killer, and if you're on the wrong side of the law, you may be her next target. Not content to just watch as the imperfect justice system frees more criminals each day, a detective trained Sawa to be his instrument of justice. Now she will go to any length to execute her targets.
Source: ANN
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