Movie: Live Action Adaption for Happy Negative Marriage Has Been Greenlit

Notizie dall’Estremo Oriente su film e serie.

Movie: Live Action Adaption for Happy Negative Marriage Has Been Greenlit

inviato su da Sephi-
Ryuta Amazume's manga Happy Negative Marriage will be adapted as a live-action movie and is expected for April 2nd. It was stated that Kenji Yokoi will be the regisseur for the movie.

Die Protagonisten: Takashi Nagayama (links) und Saki Seito

The male protagonist, 30-year-old virgin, Keitaro Satou will be played by Takashi Nagayama (left), while Saki Seto (right) will star as the female lead, Shimaki Akio.
In addition to that, Tarou Suwa, Shota Minami (Ultraman: Ultra Galaxy the Movie), and Nana Nanaumi (Futari H live-action) have been hired for the movie as well.

Happy Negative MarriageKeitaro Satou is 30, doing well on his job, and single. He's your typical bachelor, but anxiety about the future drives him to agree to an arranged marriage metting, set up by his boss and parents. Once there, he falls in love with the girl he meets, Shimaki Akio.
He looks to be happy enough, for Shimaki is a real beauty, but trouble seems to be abrewing...

Source: ANN
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