Little Forest To Be Adapted As Live-Action Movie

Notizie dall’Estremo Oriente su film e serie.

Little Forest To Be Adapted As Live-Action Movie

inviato su da Sephi-
Daisuke Igarashi's slice-of-life manga Little Forest is supposed to receive a live-action adaption.

The female lead, Ichiko is played Ai Hashimoto, Takahiro Miura is starring as Ichiko's childhood friend Yuta. Mayu Matsuoka will star as Kikko, Yoichi Nukumizu as the manager Shigeyuki and Karen Kirishima as Ichiko's mother Sachiko.

Director and scriptwriter Junichi Mori shot the film for about one year at several distinct places like Oshu, Iwate. The film, showing the changing of the seasons, is divided into two parts. The "Summer and Fall" part will be released on August 30th, 2014, while the "Winter and Spring" part is expected for February 14th, 2015.

Responsible for the film's food is Yuri Nomura, who first debuted with her food documentary Eatrip in 2009 and who will now coach Hashimoto's cooking in the film.

Little Forest
The film is telling the story of Ichiko, who leaves the big city to live a quiet and self-sustained life in Komori (Little Forest), a small town in Tohoku. Day by day, Ichiko is cooking various very natural and seasonal dishes to keep her peaceful and solitary life going.

Source: ANN
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