First Trailer of the upcoming Live-Action Movie Otoko no Isshou

Notizie dall’Estremo Oriente su film e serie.

First Trailer of the upcoming Live-Action Movie Otoko no Isshou

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The first Trailer of the live-action movie Otoko no Isshou, based on Keiko Nishi's Manga with the same title, released on the official homepage last Friday. The movie will hit the cinemas in Japan on 14. February 2015. It premiered at the Tokyo Film Festival in October.

The Story of the Film is introduced in the Trailer. A story about a young woman, with the name Tsumugi who is bored through the city life in Tokyo. She say to herself that she will never fall in love. She decided to quit her job in a large electronics company in the city and move into the rural home of her deceased grandmother. Once their she finds a 52-year old unmarried professor, who already lives in the house. Irritated, because she expects to live alone in the house, the two begin a strange life together. Despite their age difference they slowly fall in love.


The young woman Tsugumi Dozono will be acted by Nana Eikura, while Etsushi Toyokawa will take the role as the 52-year old professor Jun Kaieda. The rest of he cast will consist of Osamu Mukai as Toshio Nakagawa , Sakura Andō as Saki Akimoto, Tomoya Maeno as Satoshi Sonoda, Motoki Ochiai as Takahiro Tomono, Toshie Negishi as Kyoko, Mari Hamada as Sayoko, Yū Tokui as Tamio Hana, Kino as Kayo Sakata, Minami as Female Receptionist, Mayuko Isawa as Harumi Tomioka Kentarō Sakaguchi as Nobuo, Chiharu Konno, Erika Asakura, and Ruka Wakabayashi as extras.

Ryuuichi Hiroki will be the director the film while Hiroshi Saitou in charge of the script and Kouji Endou is composing the soundtrack.

The Manga was published in Japan by Shogakukan. Two of the four volumes were published in English by JManga and were sold until their services ended 2013.

Source: ANN
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