Choo (Persona)


  • Nome artista: Choo [チョー] (ちょお), Mostra tutto
    Nome reale: Shigeru NAGASHIMA [長島 茂] (ながしま しげる)
    Tipo: Persona
    Sesso: Maschile
    Sito web:
    Occupazioni: Ruoli doppiatori: 430, Cantante: 3


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Chou is a Japanese voice actor.

He's currently working by contract for Production Baobab. Until 1986 he was working for the Seinenza Theater Company.

Voice Actor in the Following Video Games:

Wattsu - "Legend of the Holy Sword 4"
Mupe Oktavia Wondratschek VIII - "Mana-Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis"
Suketoudara - "Puyo Puyo~n"
Hanks- "Tales of Vesperia"
Ancient Wu - "True Crime: Streets of LA"

Voice Actor in the Following Films:

Hamilton Bartholemew - "Charade"
Trufflehunter the Badger - "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian"
George Tyrell - "Daylight"
Gollum - "The Lord of the Rings film trilogy"
Sergeant Jack Bocci - "Memphis Belle"
Smitty - "Monsters, Inc."
James Earl Jones - "Naked Gun 33⅓: The Final Insult"
Scooby-Doo - "Scooby-Doo"
Thimbletack - "The Spiderwick Chronicles"
Sheldon J. Plankton - "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie"
Officer Vita - "Tequila and Bonetti"
Reggie Simmons - "Transformers"

Voice Actor in the Following TV-Series:

Toymaker - "The Batman"
Tarantulas - "Beast Wars"
I.R. Baboon - "Cow and Chicken"
Ranger J. Audubon Woodlore - "Disney's House of Mouse"
Hyeongo - "The Legend"
Elmer Fudd - "Looney Tunes"
Radius Ulna Humerus - "The Magic School Bus"
Green Goblin - "Spider-Man Unlimited"
Neelix - "Star Trek: Voyager"
The Mad Hatter - "Superman: The Animated Series"
Professor Chang - "Teen Titans"
Chou ist ein japanischer Synchronsprecher.

Zurzeit ist er bei der Talentagentur Production Baobab unter Vertrag. Bis 1986 war er bei der Agentur Seinenza Theater Company.

Synchronstimme in folgenden Videospielen:

Wattsu - "Legend of the Holy Sword 4"
Mupe Oktavia Wondratschek VIII - "Mana-Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis"
Suketoudara - "Puyo Puyo~n"
Hanks- "Tales of Vesperia"
Ancient Wu - "True Crime: Streets of LA"

Synchronstimme in folgenden Filmen:

Hamilton Bartholemew - "Charade"
Trufflehunter the Badger - "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian"
George Tyrell - "Daylight"
Gollum - "The Lord of the Rings film trilogy"
Sergeant Jack Bocci - "Memphis Belle"
Smitty - "Monsters, Inc."
James Earl Jones - "Naked Gun 33⅓: The Final Insult"
Scooby-Doo - "Scooby-Doo"
Thimbletack - "The Spiderwick Chronicles"
Sheldon J. Plankton - "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie"
Officer Vita - "Tequila and Bonetti"
Reggie Simmons - "Transformers"

Synchronstimme in folgenden Serien:

Toymaker - "The Batman"
Tarantulas - "Beast Wars"
I.R. Baboon - "Cow and Chicken"
Ranger J. Audubon Woodlore - "Disney's House of Mouse"
Hyeongo - "The Legend"
Elmer Fudd - "Looney Tunes"
Radius Ulna Humerus - "The Magic School Bus"
Green Goblin - "Spider-Man Unlimited"
Neelix - "Star Trek: Voyager"
The Mad Hatter - "Superman: The Animated Series"
Professor Chang - "Teen Titans"

Ruoli doppiatori


Nome artista

  • Choo
    Lingua originale: チョー
    Lettura: ちょお
  • Yuuichi NAGASHIMA
    Lingua originale: 長島 雄一
    Lettura: ながしま ゆういち

Nome reale

  • Shigeru NAGASHIMA
    Lingua originale: 長島 茂
    Lettura: ながしま しげる utilizza i propri cookie solo per scopi tecnici, non raccoglie né trasferisce dati personali dell’utente a sua insaputa.